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  • Writer's pictureHannah Bellinger

Introduction to Art and the Artist

Hello one, hello all! Welcome to my blog. As this is the first post, I figured it would be a good idea to start off by telling you a little bit about myself, and also what kind of content you can expect to find in future posts.

First of all, I’d like to thank you for being here! The internet is a very busy place with a lot of things competing for our attention in every direction. So thank you for stopping to take a look at what I have to offer.

A little bit about me: I’m a British-American artist, currently based in the U.K. Like many of us, my art journey began in childhood, with coloring books, jumbo notepads, and connect-the-dots. I just never outgrew it. When I started learning about the Old Masters, it wasn’t enough for me to admire their work; I wanted to join their ranks.

However, when the time came for me to choose a career path in higher education, I opted for something completely different (International Studies). I will probably cover this period in a later blog post, but suffice to say that I regretted it. A word of advice: even if your lantern has just enough light to shine your next step, trust it! The path will get clearer as you go.

It’s not a spoiler to say that my love for art survived the other degree I obtained. I wish that it was a straight path from there (I would then give up art and pick it up after some years), but suffice to say, I’m a self-taught artist. Sadly for my teenage self, I haven’t yet mastered the skill of the Masters, but I’m learning to appreciate the journey and the different things I’m discovering about what it means to be an artist.

As of now, my art takes several different forms: acrylic, watercolor, pencil/pen, and digital (Photoshop). This blog will feature tutorials and helpful tips on everything from starting your artistic journey to the highs (and lows) of marketing and selling your beautiful creations. I don’t pretend to be an expert by any means, but what I’ve learned—from experience—I will share.

Consequentially, we are all a work in progress, so I will be sharing reviews of any art courses that I take, to better inform you, and perhaps inspire you as well. Some other things that you can expect to find here:

History of Art/Old Masters I Love:

If you’ve made it this far, then it won’t come as any surprise that I love the Old Masters. I’m really excited to share my perspective of the well-known greats such as Rubens, Caravaggio, Gentileschi, and Vigee Le Brun—as well as some slightly lesser-appreciated masters like Simon Vouet and Henry Ossawa Tanner.

New Masters:

On the flip side, I don’t want my love for classical art to override the fact that a large crop of talented artists walk amongst us. I hope to shine a light on some of the artists whom I follow on social media: they range from classically-styled to artists from your favorite animated films, to self-taught watercolor maestros.

Business Tips:

Should I quit my day job? Which social media channels should I use? Should I start selling on Etsy? Is drop shipping a good idea? I’ve sold a painting, but how do I package it? These are just some of the topics that I plan to cover. There will also be insight regarding marketing strategies; how to objectively price your own art; how to make your freelance skills apply to your existing CV (trust me, if you are self-employed in any capacity, you’ve likely acquired skills that you aren’t even aware of).

Art Tips (from self taught artist):

There will also be art tips from me, ranging from reviews, to lessons I’ve learnt (the hard way), including fun ideas of how to start and where to find inspiration to create your own personal masterpiece. I will also touch on some of the less-fun aspects, such as not being where you want to be, imposter syndrome, and my experiences of dealing with trolls (yes, it’s sad, but there are some people who regard tearing down others as a worthy pastime).

Art News:

Believe it or not, there’s a lot happening in the art world, and I can’t wait to bring it to you! Topics will include things such as: the endless struggle with Instragram’s algorithm/reels; the advent of AI within the art community; the rise of NFTs, including allegations of art theft.

It won’t all be so serious, though! On the flip side, we will also cover things that are immediately relevant to you: Open calls for art, including magazines (a great way for you to get your art seen by a wider audience); art competitions; #drawthisinyourstyle (if you aren’t familiar with how this works, just stick around to find out!); art residencies (believe it or not, you can live out the dream of completing your masterpieces in the French countryside); here you will also find compiled lists of galleries and exhibitions that are accepting entries.

All things considered, it’s going to be quite a journey, and I look forward to you coming along for the ride. Please feel free to introduce yourself in the comments. I'd love to hear from you!

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